What does research say about it

In order to implement and improve personalized learning, we first need to reach agreement about what it is—and what it isn't. Hilah barbot helped lead the meetings, along with renew's director of personalized learning, nate kellogg. Instead of a "One size fits all" model, this approach enables teachers to identify the appropriate resources and provide tailored instruction to fit each student's learning speed and style. Personalized learning is an educational approach that aims to customize learning for each student's strengths, needs, skills and interests.

Local organizations, educators, and leaders are creating remarkable learning experiences for pittsburgh's young people, and other cities around the country are striving to replicate their innovations. Personalized learning thrives in this technology-rich environment, but is insufficient on its own to revolutionize a student's classroom experience. It is the purposeful design of blended instruction to combine face-to-face teaching, technology-assisted instruction and student-to-student collaboration to leverage each student's interests for deeper learning.

This is what drives personalized learning. Because personalized learning has such broad implications, and the term encompasses such a wide variety of potential programs and strategies, it may be difficult to determine precisely what the term is referring to when it is used without qualification, specific examples, or additional explanation. Far from making teachers obsolete, student-driven personalized learning requires an expanded set of skills and dispositions from teachers, one that demands they are even more responsive to the evolving interests and needs of their learners.

In a 2016 interview for a dell foundation podcast , kipp new orleans chief academic officer todd purvis said local kipp schools had succeeded in increasing the percentage of students who achieved basic” on state tests, but the percentage of TTO who score mastery” stayed flat. Students will expect and demand education that reflects their preferred learning styles, interests and continued relevance to the professions they wish to pursue.

In addition, students may feel more comfortable approaching teaching staff with feedback through email or the software provided rather than in the context of a larger lecture hall or classroom. In new orleans, 81 percent of public school students are economically disadvantaged, according to data from the louisiana department of education. They also serve as a sort of coach, supporting students in reflecting on their choices as a way to increase their agency as learners.

The most well-understood personalized learning environments are intelligent tutoring systems—these systems compare student input or responses to an expert model, selecting problems and feedback according to (continuously updated) models of the learner's likely knowledge and the instructional path most likely to move the learner toward expert understanding (e.G., anderson, corbett, koedinger, & pelletier, 1995; corbett, koedinger, & anderson, 1997; graesser et al., 2004; vanlehn, 2006).
